
A social media copy generator integrated as a chrome extension, meant to save time in growing on a platform by becoming a medium for your voice.


Website, Logo, and Brand design


Feb 2023 (4 weeks)

My Role:

UI/UX Designer, Brand Designer


How we underestimate the power of interaction

With a growing number of people turning to entrepreneurship and content creation, a large amount of time is spent towards building an audience and community, preventing these people from focusing on their craft and creating. Both creators and businesses can improve from creating a social media presence, but struggle in establishing themselves and the time towards doing so. 


Social media made easy with AI

The team behind RESPOAI wanted to create a solution with a tool aimed towards content creators and business owners, that would allow users to efficiently increase traffic to their products through social media awareness and promotion. With a clean website design based on research of their users and a competitive analysis to understand the market and their industry, the project owners can easily begin marketing and connecting with their own audience. The client had 2 goals:



AI competition were cut and paste

After examining indirect and direct competitors, a template and standard design style began emerging. Most companies were extremely minimalist with no visuals on their product, and had a very shallow and limited website design. The players who truly stood out and were succeeding were those implementing plenty of examples of their tool with a colorful and enticing landing page, leading me to find a voice for the brand and what to avoid.



Struggling with Prioritization and Creating from nothing.

I struggled finding just the right style and theme for the website, making slight adjustments to no avail and spending more time than needed on this aspect. When speaking with the client, I had trouble getting any solid feedback or criticism on the project and was left to my own devices so to speak, which felt like a blessing and a curse. To prevent wasting any more time, I found a design that worked with the market and client base to give users a clear idea what they would be investing in, and a style the client liked and agreed with.


How I cleaned up my design

With some disccusions and clarity from the RespoAI team, I continued updated the website design over the 4 weeks with these improvements:



The final product


Style Guide



Reflections and lessons learned

This was my first project working directly with a client and developer duo on a project. I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity and the trust they put with me for thier work. A few things I've learned and would improve upon in the future are:

  1. Communicate and be honest with one another. At the start, we understood expectations and time limits going into this work. However, because of a lack of familiarity and really speaking with each other, I saw that the clients were almost afraid of providing solid feedback or were just giving quick replys without much thought. So in order to move forward, I had to have a sit down session to let them know to make any real progress, there needed to be transparency about updates. To not fear critisims to avoid possible negative interactions when in reality I needed their honest feeback. 
  2. Focus more on insights. Something I saw that I struggled with is a excess in my designs and copy. So being able to get feedback letting me know how big and excesssive everything was, was a big reminder to cut down the sizing of everything and that I didnt need to shove everything I found into each page, but to focus on what key elements would lead to success.  

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