

- Website Design

- UX/UI Designer

- July 2022 - August 2022

Tools Used
- Figma, Coderbyte, Zoom, Google Suite


The goal of this website was to teach fashion and various styles throughout history to users, to promote confidence and individuality.  This would be accomplished through creating a "closet" or collection of saved clothing from online stores, articles, or databases, while providing addtional options and information with articles providing adive and suggestions as well. 


Rackish was a personal project inspired by a desire to learn more about style and fashion. Meant to be a resource and guide, the idea was to inspire creativity in users to express themselves outside of the standard celebrity and corporate promoted media.


With an oversaturation of influencers promoting fashion trends through endorsements to well known clothing brands, it creates a funnel of traffic to a singular idea of what style is trending. 


Create a website geared with the technical knowledge of how to apply style techniques on a personal level, alongside fashion trends from the ages to allow users to create their own image and brand. This would allow for smaller buisnesses to promote their content and expand thier "closet" for users, and what they have available in terms of their clothing and idenity. 


Research began with what a potential user may look like. So, being an educational tool to promote self image and confidence, I aimed towards the demographic most innundated with suggestive media and content towards appearence. My target audience began with highschoolers still developing themselves discovering their personalities. When tools like this website may come in handy. 


I had some difficulty finding participants to interview, but I was able to find two that provided great data on both ends of the spectrum I was looking for. Both women, one who has done the work to discover her style and fashion sense, and fairly confident in herself and her looks. Another who, didnt have much of a idea of clothings and styles, who struggled a bit more with her identity/confidence. It provided great insight to help revamp my user persona. 


User Persona

I ended up with a early college student, looking to cement more of a long term identity for herself as they being their professional journey. Someone with a little more free time outside of their studies to see their appearance as a worthwhile investment to the future they aim to create. 


User insight 

I believe that by creating a place to help users develop and create their own styles for users struggling with their image will achieve a strong returning user base of people looking for quick help or to develop themselves and their confidence.

Problem Statment

Rackish was started with the idea of helping those with limited time and connections but the desire to improve themselves find a place to organize and create style and image to help build confidence and create a strong self image. I found that sites like instagram and Pinterest made searching for clothing and inspiration chaotic and distracting, taking more of their time than necessary or away from their goal entirely. How might I improve the the search for style so that users looking for fashion tips are successful in finding inspiration that matches or elevates their self image, measured through reviews and time spent on site.

UX Hypothesis

If I make a database search website that makes saving ideas, and searching through desired styles and clothing sites easier, then I can create a strong returning community of users looking for fashion help and development of self.

Competetive analysis 

I completed a direct and indirect competitve analysis of these sites to examine the strentghs and weaknessess of each, to see how my site could stand out, and provide value while creating interest in users, and a strong desire for reuse. 




I began with a sitemap to examine what a full site my look like, starting off with a base site to cover the skeleton of the website, needing a constant update of style trends and social media presence. 


End Design

Due to time restraints and external setbacks, I was unable to complete the design of the site to the desired degree, but I am happy with the outcome, and plan to do a finalized version and complete the remaining pages with the updated knowledge I aquire. 



For this project, I need to improve my research in expanding my data pool of participants. The persona still feels broad, and could be not only simplified, but keyed in to create a truly inspirational page that can assist in improving the cofidence and creativity in its user base.


I plan to re-design and complete this project by end of April 2023, and create an updated page with the research and design process.

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